It Was An Accident, But You Need An Attorney

Don't Let A Road Rage Incident Leave You With Unpaid Medical Bills

Motorists often confuse aggressive driving, which includes tailgating and speeding, with road rage. The latter is a much more extreme driving behavior and affects four out of five drivers. If you had an accident after a road rage incident, you may need to contact an auto accident attorney.

What Is Road Rage?

Drivers often experience road rage due to stress and may have been waiting in heavy traffic for a long period. Road rage involves behaviors that are meant to:

In some extreme cases, motorists have even caused deliberate accidents by ramming the other motorist. A motorcyclist might anger a driver operating an SUV and suddenly find their motorcycle rear-ended. 

If you have had an accident and the driver is angry, do not engage and contact the police immediately. If you must speak with the driver, stay calm and wait for them to relax. When the situation cools down, exchange contact information. However, your only legal obligation is to wait until the police officer arrives to file a report.

What Are the Consequences of Road Rage?

Oftentimes, the victims of road rage suffer from the following injuries after an accident:

You may have also suffered injuries because the other driver exited the vehicle and physically attacked you. Regardless of your injuries, you should speak with an auto accident attorney who will help you calculate your damages.

What Damages Are You Entitled To?

After a car accident, you may seek compensation for:

In a road rage incident, if your case goes to trial, the courts are more likely to award punitive damages. However, you should discuss with your attorney whether you should instead settle your case out of court. 95% of personal injury lawsuits settle before going to trial. Trials are more expensive and can take as long as a year to reach a conclusion.

During a road rage incident, the other driver may be more likely to accuse you of causing the accident. Therefore, you will need help from witnesses who can testify on your behalf. Unfortunately, after an accident, you may fail to collect the personal information of any witnesses. However, your attorney may have advice on how you may locate witnesses such as making a social media post. Once the nightmare is over, you can focus on your recovery.

For more information, contact a law firm like Drivon Turner & Waters PLC.